Saturday, January 20, 2007


JavaScript History

JavaScript was originally developed by Brendan Eich
of Netscape under the name Mocha, later LiveScript,
and finally renamed to JavaScript. The change of name
from LiveScript to JavaScript roughly coincided with
Netscape adding support for Java technology in its
Netscape Navigator web browser. JavaScript was first
introduced and deployed in the Netscape browser
version 2.0B3 in December of 1995. When web developers
talk about using JavaScript in Internet Explorer, they
are actually using JScript. The choice of name proved
to be a source of much confusion.

JavaScript is a prototype-based scripting language with
a syntax loosely based on C.


JavaScript debugging has some specifics in comparison
with stand-alone applications. JavaScript programs
usually rely on interaction with the loaded page's Document
Object Model (DOM) so errors may be caused by wrong DOM
usage in a technically correct script. This makes JavaScript
errors difficult to find. However nowadays both Internet
Explorer and the Gecko-based browsers come with a
reasonably good JavaScript debugger. Gecko browsers
use the Venkman debugger or the FireBug debugger for
Mozilla Firefox, while for Internet Explorer there is the
Microsoft Script Debugger and more recently Visual
InterDev. Microsoft also provides Microsoft Script Editor
(MSE) as part of their Microsoft Office package
(Microsoft Office 2002 or higher). There are also some free
online checking tools such as JSLint.

Javascript Security

As JavaScript is a rich interpreted language running
arbitrary server-provided code on a client computer,
it has suffered its fair share of security issues. Many
attempts at bypassing logical barriers to steal confidential
information make use of JavaScript to perform their deeds
behind the scenes, using techniques such as cross-site
scripting (XSS). Non-expert users usually can't notice
what is going on because the malicious code has no visible
effect on their browsing experience. Besides, it is not
obvious to people who are not programmers that their
Web browser includes a full-blown programming language
interpreter, with the power and risks implied.

About Server-side JavaScript

ASP, using JScript as an alternative to its default
scripting language. firecat, a Server-Side JavaScript
Webserver. A complete platform (Webserver and framework)
for developers to create Server-Side JavaScipt web applications.
Helma Object Publisher, a JavaScript Web Application Framework
using Rhino and embedding the Jetty HTTP Server.
jsext uses SpiderMonkey, makes inclusion of C libraries very
simple and contains high-level wrappers written in JavaScript.
JSP, using Caucho Resin Servlet Runner which propose pure
JavaScript as an alternative to Java in JSP (Resin version 2 only.
Not available in version 3).OpenMocha, a JavaScript Application
Server based on Helma.Rhinola, using Rhino with gcj on the
Apache HTTP Server. Whitebeam, using SpiderMonkey on the
Apache HTTP Server.haXe is a meta-language, which among
others can execute javascript. haXe itself is a variant of javascript.
Apache Cocoon uses flowscript (a variant of javascript) for the
controller-layer. It's based on Rhino.Server Side Javascript
Uses Rhino to wrap Jetty 6, allowing you to write servlets in
Javascript.wxJS has an Apache module mod_wxjs which can
be used to write server-side javascript with E4X and wxWidgets
ported classes.ServiceCenter, a commercial product in the
HP OpenView product range, uses an embedded Mozilla
JavaScript interpreter to allow tailoring of the application server.
Veracart a hosted ecommerce platform which uses PHP to
process data/events on the remote server, while using
server-side JavaScript to generate the content via the intermediate
site (store website), on to the clients computer.
Zimki SSJS Application & web hosting environment.
Phobos can run in Glassfish or another Java servlet container
and uses Rhino.